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Women and underrepresented genders in STEM Promoting Inclusion in Research Experience


“The most important thing I learned from participating in WinSPIRE is that there are so many more opportunities in college than I thought, and that I don't need to worry about successfully going down one path because there are multiple paths I can take after high school.”


"I feel like I have gained more confidence in working by myself and more interest in science than I had at the beginning of summer."


"My mentor was amazing, and it was great to meet and spend time with other girls my age and hear about their lab experiences, as well as forming relationships with our secondary mentors."


"I was surprised by how much I felt like an actual member of the lab rather than a high school student."

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WinSPIRE affirms youth of all genders and sexualities and recognizes that neither are a binary. Additionally, WinSPIRE foundationally believes that diversity in all facets and intersections (including, but not limited to, racial, ethnic, gender, and economic diversity) strengthens both society and science.

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