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About the WinSPIRE Summer Research Program (SRP)

The WinSPIRE (Women and underrepresented genders in STEM Promoting Inclusion in Research Experiences) Summer Research Program is a paid six-week-long immersive summer mentorship program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. WinSPIRE supports high school students from underrepresented genders in STEM (cis-woman, trans-woman, trans-man, non-binary, genderfluid, agender, genderqueer,  two-spirit), particularly students from historically marginalized groups in STEM and first generation students. The program provides hands-on experience in a research laboratory, engaging college-prep workshops, and an extensive support network of mentors from underrepresented genders in STEM.  Founded in 2017 by Dr. Samantha Piszkiewicz, the goal of the WinSPIRE program is to create a space where students from minoritized genders can gain confidence in their ability to pursue a career in STEM by doing real scientific research with the help of early-career scientists.

WinSPIRE (Mujeres y géneros subrepresentados en ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas promoviendo inclusión en experiencias de investigación) es un programa pagado de seis semanas que se enfoca en proveer mentoría inmersiva durante el verano en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill. WinSPIRE apoya a estudiantes de secundaria pertenecientes a géneros subrepresentados en STEM (mujeres, personas transgénero, no binarias, agénero, fluidas de género, género queer, dos espíritus), o de primera generación. WinSPIRE apoya a estudiantes que pertenecen a grupos históricamente marginalizados en las ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, proveyéndoles experiencia práctica en un laboratorio de investigación, talleres de preparación para la universidad y una red extensiva de apoyo de mentores de géneros subrepresentados en STEM. Fundada en el 2017 por la Dra. Samantha Piszkiewicz, el objetivo de WinSPIRE es crear un espacio en donde estudiantes de géneros minoritarios puedan ganar confianza en su habilidad de perseguir una carrera en ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, mediante investigaciones científicas reales, con la ayuda de científicas en etapas tempranas de la carrera.

WinSPIRE (더 포괄적인 과학.기술.공학.수학  연구경험을 위한 여자집단)은 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill에서 진행되는 6주 간의 유급의 몰입적인 여름 멘토링 프로그램입니다. WinSPIRE는 여자, 트랜스젠더, 또는 논바이너리인 고등학생들을–특히 과학.기술.공학.수학에 역사적으로 차별되던 무리에 포함된 학생, 또는 대학 1 세대인 학생들–연구 랩실의 직접적인 경험을, 대학 준비를 위한 워크숍을, 그리고 여자, 트랜스젠더, 그리고 논바이너리인 멘토가 많은 지원 네트워크를 제공해서 지원합니다. 2017년에 Dr. Samantha Piszkiewicz가 WinSPIRE를 설립해서 차별 받는 젠더의 학생들은 초기 경력 과학자의 도움을 받아 진정한 과학 연구를 해서 과학.기술.공학.수학에 직업을 추구할 자신감이 생기는 곳을 만드는 것이 목표입니다.

The summer 2023 program dates are June 20st - July 28th.

Las fechas del programa de verano de 2023 son del 20 de junio al 28 de julio. 

2023 여름의 프로그램은 6월20일부터 7월28일까지 진행됩니다.

WinSPIRE affirms youth of all genders and sexualities and recognizes that neither are a binary. Additionally, WinSPIRE foundationally believes that diversity in all facets and intersections (including, but not limited to, racial, ethnic, gender, and economic diversity) strengthens both society and science.

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