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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1 . What does WinSPIRE look for in applicants?

WinSPIRE aims to serve students historically marginalized groups in STEM and first-generation students. We encourage all applicants to have a passion for STEM and scientific research. We are open to applicants from any and all backgrounds and abilities.

2. What STEM background/experience do I need?

WinSPIRE looks for candidates with experience with and access to STEM and STEM-based activities/learning environments in school and your personal life. Any relevant coursework related to STEM is appreciated. We acknowledge that many applicants may not have access or the ability to participate in STEM or research based activities, so we encourage all individuals with a passion for science to apply.

3. What does WinSPIRE define as a underrepresented individual?

WinSPIRE is open to applicants from all genders, but participants must be committed to the advancement of individuals who come from underrepresented groups and genders in STEM, which includes, but is not limited to: cis-woman, trans-woman, trans-man, non-binary, genderfluid, agender, genderqueer,  two-spirit.

4. What type of projects will I work on?

Your project will center around what interests you, but this can vary. Some projects may involve helping your mentor answer a specific scientific question, validate a new method, or gain new experimental techniques. However, all projects emphasize spending time and becoming comfortable in a laboratory environment! 

5. What is the time commitment?

Students will spend 40 hours a week in the summer research program, and will expect 20 of those hours to be spent on their project. 

6. Do I get to pick my mentor?

While you do not get to pick a mentor, we will do our best to match you with a mentor whose research aligns with your scientific interests.

7. What will I do during the 6 week program?

When you are not in your mentoring lab working on your project, you will spend the day in workshops aimed at preparing you for college and various career paths. These workshops might include pertinent group discussions and seminars, laboratory tours, and various science-related activities. At the end of the program, you will design a poster to present your project at a poster session.

8. Will the Summer Research Program prepare me for college / a career in STEM?

The Summer Research Program has weekly workshops dedicated to preparing students for applying to/learning about colleges and developing a career in STEM. The goal of these workshops are to inform students on how to navigate the next steps in their STEM careers with a focus on presenting scientific data through various methods, essay and résumé writing for college applications, and how to find the right career in STEM for you.

WinSPIRE affirms youth of all genders and sexualities and recognizes that neither are a binary. Additionally, WinSPIRE foundationally believes that diversity in all facets and intersections (including, but not limited to, racial, ethnic, gender, and economic diversity) strengthens both society and science.

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